San Jose, CA

St Frances Cabrini Catholic School – San Jose, CA

St. Frances Cabrini Catholic School is a parish school that provides students with a challenging and enriched spiritual, academic, and social education in a faith-filled environment. The school strives to instill in its students the values of respect, responsibility, truth, and charity. Students have access to many educational opportunities, including the art program, which includes music, theater, and art classes; the technology program encourages hands-on learning through computers and internet access; physical education focuses on building lifetime fitness habits, combined with extended care programs available before and after school hours. St. Frances Cabrini also offers a variety of extracurricular activities such as band, choir, student government, athletics teams (soccer/baseball/volleyball), and service clubs. The school provides a spiritual community that fosters faith development through religious instruction, sacramental preparation, and service learning. St. Frances Cabrini is dedicated to providing students with the highest quality education to prepare them for success in college and the global community.

The faculty of St. Frances Cabrini Catholic School are certified teachers who strive to provide academic excellence and instill Christian values into their curriculum. Students receive individualized attention due to small class sizes so that teachers can meet each student’s needs individually. The staff of St. Frances Cabrini also includes counselors and support personnel available to provide additional assistance when needed. St. Frances Cabrini Catholic provides an environment where students can develop and grow spiritually, academically, and socially. St. Frances Cabrini strives to create a diverse community of learners who will be successful in the world beyond school through their commitment to faith formation, academic rigor, and service learning.

St. Frances Cabrini Catholic School’s motto is “We are here to make a difference,” reflecting their commitment to instilling Christian values into their students and giving them the tools necessary for college and beyond. Whether through rigorous academics or spiritual development, the faculty at St. Frances Cabrini is dedicated to providing their students with an enriching educational experience that will prepare them for life outside of school. We strive to provide a quality education for all who desire to learn in an environment rooted in faith and values. We are here to make a difference within our community and beyond by creating a diverse learning environment that will serve our students well into the future.

School Information Summary:

Q&A St Frances Cabrini Catholic School – San Jose, CA

What is the ethnic diversity like at St. Frances Cabrini Catholic School?

St. Frances Cabrini is committed to creating a diverse learning community where all students feel valued and supported, regardless of race, ethnicity, gender identity, or sexual orientation. The school has a vibrant student population with various cultural backgrounds, languages, and religious beliefs.

How do teachers and students interact at St. Frances Cabrini?

The faculty of St. Frances Cabrini is dedicated to providing a safe and supportive learning environment for all students. Teachers strive to foster meaningful relationships with their students that emphasize mutual respect and understanding. The school encourages open communication between students and teachers to better serve each student’s needs.

What types of extracurricular activities are available at St. Frances Cabrini?

St. Frances Cabrini offers various extracurricular activities for students to explore their passions and interests. These include academic clubs, music programs, performing arts groups, student government, athletics teams (soccer/baseball/volleyball), and service clubs.

Is there a sense of school spirit at St. Frances Cabrini?

Yes! The faculty and staff at St. Frances Cabrini are dedicated to fostering a sense of school spirit and pride among their students. The school hosts various events throughout the year that celebrate the accomplishments of its students and build community, including dances, pep rallies, and intramural sports tournaments. The faculty also works hard to support all students by creating a welcoming and inclusive atmosphere.

How does St. Frances Cabrini promote community involvement?

St. Frances Cabrini encourages its students to participate in their local communities through service-learning projects, volunteer activities, and leadership opportunities. The school also offers outreach programs connecting students with local businesses, organizations, and non-profits to promote community engagement. Additionally, the school works with families to ensure they have access to resources that will help them support their children’s academic success. St. Frances Cabrini promotes understanding and growth among students, families, and the wider community by creating meaningful connections with its community.

What can students expect upon graduating from St. Frances Cabrini?

Graduates of St. Frances Cabrini will be equipped with the knowledge and skills necessary to succeed in college and the workforce. The school provides its students with a rigorous academic program emphasizing critical thinking, problem-solving, and creative exploration. In addition, the school’s focus on faith and values prepares its graduates for service to their local community and beyond. Students can also expect to graduate with a strong camaraderie, having built lifelong relationships with their classmates, teachers, and families. With the knowledge and experience gained at St. Frances Cabrini, graduates are prepared to take on the world and realize their dreams.

How does St. Frances Cabrini foster a culture of acceptance and inclusion?

St. Frances Cabrini strives to create an environment where all students feel accepted and valued regardless of race, gender, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, or sexual orientation.

St Frances Cabrini Catholic School is an excellent school. The teachers and staff create an environment that is conducive to learning. The curriculum is challenging, and the students are well-prepared for college. The campus is beautiful, and the facilities are top-notch. The school offers a variety of extracurricular activities, and the students are involved in the community. The school is strongly committed to Catholic values, and the students are respectful and compassionate.




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