San Jose, CA

River Glen School – San Jose, CA

River Glen School is a private school located in San Jose, California. The school enrolls students in grades K-8 with a student-teacher ratio of 10:1. The school’s curriculum includes core academic subjects, such as English, math, science, and social studies. In addition to these subjects, River Glen School students can take art, music, and physical education classes. The school’s campus includes a gymnasium, library, playground, and tennis courts. River Glen School is accredited by the California Association of Independent Schools (CAIS).River Glen School – San Jose, CA

River Glen School in San Jose, CA, is known for its high-quality teachers. The average teacher at River Glen has over ten years of experience teaching in the classroom, many of whom have advanced degrees in education. In addition, the school’s teachers are highly dedicated to their students and always look for ways to improve their instructional methods. They regularly attend professional development workshops and are always up-to-date on the latest educational research. As a result of their commitment to excellence, the teachers at River Glen School can provide their students with an outstanding education.

School Information Summary:

Q&A River Glen School – San Jose, CA

What is the school’s curriculum like?

The school’s curriculum includes core academic subjects, such as English, math, science, and social studies. In addition to these subjects, River Glen School students can also take art, music, and physical education classes.

What are the teachers like at River Glen School?

The teachers at River Glen School are highly experienced and dedicated to their students. They regularly attend professional development workshops and are always up-to-date on the latest educational research. As a result of their commitment to excellence, the teachers at River Glen School can provide their students with an outstanding education.

What is the school’s campus like?

The school’s campus includes a gymnasium, library, playground, and tennis courts.

What is the student-teacher ratio at River Glen School?

The student-teacher ratio at River Glen School is 10:1.

What is the school’s accreditation?

The California Association of Independent Schools (CAIS) accredited the school.

River Glen School is a close-knit community where everyone works together to support each other. The faculty and staff are highly dedicated to providing all students a challenging and engaging education. The school offers a variety of extracurricular activities, including sports, drama, and music. The parents are very involved in the school and regularly participate in fundraisers and volunteer opportunities. River Glen School is a supportive community that helps all students reach their full potential. Every student is known and valued by the faculty and staff. There is a strong camaraderie among the students, who regularly help and support each other. The school provides an excellent education, challenging coursework and engaging extracurricular activities. The parents are highly involved in the school community and regularly contribute their time and energy to support the school. River Glen School is a close-knit community where everyone works together to provide a high-quality education for all students.

River Glen School is a great option for parents who want their children to have a well-rounded and diverse education. The school offers many courses, from core academic subjects to electives like art and music. The teachers are all highly qualified and passionate about their subject matter. In addition, the school provides several extracurricular activities, such as sports teams and clubs. This allows students to explore their interests outside of the classroom and develop new skills. Overall, River Glen School is an excellent choice for families seeking a high-quality education.


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