Kishore Mokada

Amar bought me my first home in Menlo Park. So one of his key strengths is negotiating the deal, not only once he gives him the requirements, the location, and all the important details for you. He works really hard to get the right home that meets your requirements at a very good market price, much below the market price, actually.

So, for example, for my home that was listed for 795k, he was able to get me to get that for me for like 750k. He really did his homework, and he actually spoke to the agent, assessed the market and everything else, and then put his Negotiating Skills to work. He really did a great job in securing the deal at the very lowest price possible and, in fact, at the same time. There were a lot of comps that were showing a much better price higher price than the price that he got me for, so it's really great to work with him.

I really appreciate all his help. If you're looking for someone to Buy you the right home, not only in terms of living there but also as a good asset for you in the future, then Amar is the right person for you.

Thank you very much...